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Chang / Broadside

Limited edition (100) broadside featuring an excerpt of Chialun Chang's "i was well tame," published in ND's POPULAR issue. Designed and printed in Brooklyn by Michael Parrish.

One Day We Become Whites, by Chia-Lun Chang

2016 (Sold Out)

A few limited edition broadsides still available!

Writing rapidly, and into a language is to create a new language entirely. The poems in One Day We Become Whites resist and embrace perspectives that render us simultaneously complicit and resistant to otherness or privilege, but they are more than just an important cultural critique of our moment in America.

The poems in this collection are love poems made of complex emotions. They are poems that help us see how something can be scary and beautiful at the same time. Chialun Chang’s images are expansive and fast, but accessible. It is as if we are following Chang down the street and she is always seven steps ahead of us to remind us that the emotions we digest are not always great, but even the most bitter can be light, even the most ordinary can be complex.

Launch reading featured in Asian in NY, as well as at CNA.comApple Daily, and ET Today

Chialun Chang is a visual artist and writer born in Taipei and now living in NYC. She is recipient of a 2015 Immigrant Artist Mentoring Fellowship from NYFA and a 2016 Emerging Writers Fellowship from Poets House.