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Caljforkya Voltage, by Joshua Escobar

1st edition: Fall 2017 (sold out)

2nd edition: Winter 2018

Joshua Escobar aka DJ Ashtrae makes poetry into a kind of music. He mixes family drama with travelogues, interviews about the HIV epidemic with biographies of Mexican immigrants, the lyrical with the actual, English with Spanish. Caljforkya Voltage records his imaginary journey through a dreamy dystopia known for its heat, far from the ocean and fueled by the shipping industry, a dystopia based off of his beloved hometown, San Bernardino.

In the summer of 2016, DJ Ashtrae graduated from the Master of Fine Art program at Bard College where he was the Dean’s Fellow in Writing, as well as the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley, where he was a Merit Fellow. He is a CantoMundo fellow. IG: djashtrae17.

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Listen to Joshua read Caljforkya Voltage

Donations (suggested $2-10) for pdf downloads and/or for listening to recordings support the production of upcoming chapbooks.

DJ Ashtrae / Caljforkya Voltage / 2nd edition


Debut chapbooks by four poets, launching in Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.

Joshua Escobar - Caljforkya Voltage

Marwa Helal - I Am Made To Leave I Am Made To Return

Viktoria Peitchev - Exile in Orbit

Viento Izquierdo Ugaz - Estoy Tristeza


Limited edition 100% cotton tote celebrating the TRANSFORMIGRATION series.